If you are looking for a new job in tech, you might be anticipating what questions you will be asked in your interview. A technical interview is typically different from a traditional job interview. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of the most common technical interview questions to help you prepare. Whether you are a new college graduate who is entering the field, or a seasoned professional who perhaps hasn’t interviewed for a new job in a while, it can help you to know what to expect and how to prepare in order to best prepare your answers, demonstrate your skills and knowledge, and hopefully land that coveted new position! (Or, if you’re a tech employer, these are also some great suggestions for questions to ask during your next round of interviews for an open position!) 


What Is a Technical Interview?

A technical (or tech) interview is a job interview for any position that relates to the tech industry, like perhaps an IT (information technology) career


Technical Interview Questions 

There are a few different types of common technical interview questions that fall into the following categories:  

Knowledge, Education, and Experience Questions 

Even though the answers to these questions are typically on your resume, many interviewers will still ask questions about your training, knowledge, education, and previous experience. 

Behavioral Interview Questions

Technical interviews typically start the same way as an interview for any other type of job interview: with several general questions to learn more about who you are and how you will fit in with the culture of the company. 

Situational Interview Questions

Situational interview questions are questions where the interviewer presents you with a hypothetical situation and asks how you respond to the situation or resolve the problem. 


Common Tech Interview Questions 

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions during tech interviews: 


Example Knowledge, Education, and Experience Questions


Question: What do you know about our company? 

How to Answer: To answer this question, you will need to research the company before you interview. Perhaps there is a particular employee you are excited to work with or a particular project you are hoping to take on. Prepare yourself by scouring the company’s website and social media platforms so you can formulate your answer. 


Question: What certifications do you have that will help you perform your duties? 

How to Answer: This question is the perfect opportunity for you to discuss any certifications or education you have that makes you an ideal candidate for this position. Make sure to apply your experience and knowledge directly to how it will benefit you in the specific position you are applying for. 


Example Behavioral Interview Question

The best way to answer these types of questions is by showing, not telling. 


Question: What was your role and what were your responsibilities at your last position? 

How to Answer: This is a great opportunity to utilize the STAR interview technique. Using this technique, you identify a Situation, Task, Action, and Result of an experience you had that is relevant to the question. 


Example Situational Interview Question


Question: How would you handle the challenge of working with difficult coworkers on a project? 

How to Answer: Never say that you have never had an issue with a coworker or a team member. Your interviewer will likely know this is not the truth. Instead, describe a project or assignment (ideally one that demonstrates your skills) and discuss how you were able to get along with and work with your coworker and the solution you were able to reach together. Your interviewer is trying to find out how you work with others or on a team. 


Example Technical Interview Question



Question: What coding language are you most comfortable with? 

How to Answer: It is typical to be asked about coding languages when you are applying for technical positions. This is a commonly asked question in tech interviews to determine whether you have a comprehensive understanding of how to use the coding language they use, and whether or not you are able to use more than one language. The best way to answer this question is to touch on all the coding languages you have knowledge of, and then answer which one you know best, and why. 


Tips for Answering Interview Questions for Technical Positions

If you want to stand out as the best candidate for the job, here are a few more tips for acing your upcoming tech interview: 


Explain Your Reasoning 

Many tech interview questions have multiple answers that could be correct. When you answer a question that has several different solutions, make sure you explain your reasoning and your process for arriving at the conclusion. You might even discuss the various different answers and explain why you chose your specific answer. 


Ask for Clarification 

If the interviewer asks you a question and you need more details to answer, ask them for clarification. This is a great way to demonstrate that you aren’t afraid to ask for help when you need it. 


Be Honest If You Don’t Know the Answer 

Don’t be afraid to be honest if you don’t know the answer to a question. Most likely, your interviewer will appreciate your honesty. Many workplaces are willing to train a candidate if they are the right fit for the job but only lacking knowledge in one area. 


Be Ready to Prove Your Skills

Oftentimes, a technical job interview will include a portion where you will need to prove that you have the necessary skills for the position. For example, this might include a remote coding assignment, a whiteboard coding challenge, or a series of brainteasers. Be prepared to demonstrate your knowledge! 


Find Your Next Tech Job with Brightwing

If you have made the decision to look for a new job, make the process much easier with Brightwing. Our Brightwing recruiters can give you access to top, unlisted job opportunities, prep for the interview ahead of time, and give you more assistance when it comes to finding the perfect new position. 

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